About Us

Who we are?


Tadbeer, as a private company, have gathered some experts in many kinds of fields to be the best at what we do. That means supporting our clients with market analysis, management consultancy and events concentrating solely on these three keys, Oil and Gas, Industries and Mining, Commercial & Trade. We are specialized in market research and familiar with trade in our area. We are also expert in foreign investment in Iran FDI. Tadbeer provides advisory and executive services to local and international business. We are expert in business related activities, which is directly involved in companies’ sales and production. Everything we do is based on economic knowledge. We produce research because we believe it will benefit our clients, not because we think it is newsworthy. The product is business intelligence on Oil and Gas, Industries and Mining, Commercial & Trade such as market analysis, management consultancy and events in our area.

Tadbeer often finds that customers begin by buying one of our news or analysis services. Then come to one of our events. They finally need material providers to buy any kind of raw materials. We mainly work with top producers and famous manufacturers to help our clients take better decision to durable and sustainable business performance. Finally, we help investors and economic activities who are looking for Iran’s foreign investment opportunities after removing sanctions.

Iran in the World Today
Iran is the second largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region after Saudi Arabia, with an estimated Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2015 of US$393.7 billion. It also has the second largest population of the region after Egypt, with an estimated 78.8 million people in 2015. Iran’s economy is characterized by a large hydrocarbon sector, small scale agriculture and services sectors, and a noticeable state presence in manufacturing and financial services. Iran ranks second in the world in natural gas reserves and fourth in proven crude oil reserves. Economic activity and government revenues still depend to a large extent on oil revenues and therefore remain volatile.