Iran’s Data (2015)
AUTHOR / Admin DATE / 2016-09-11IRAN’s data (2015)
Below data covers 2015
Population (million inhabitants) | 78.327 |
Land area (1,000 sq km) | 1,648 |
Population density (inhabitants per sq km) | 48 |
GDP per capita ($) | 4,949 |
GDP at market prices (million $) | 387,611 |
Value of exports (million $) | 77,974 |
Value of petroleum exports (million $) | 27,308 |
Current account balance (million $) | 1,394 |
Proven crude oil reserves (million barrels) | 158,400 |
Proven natural gas reserves (billion cu. m.) | 33,500.0 |
Crude oil production (1,000 b/d) | 3,151.6 |
Marketed production of natural gas (million cu. m.) | 226,673.0 |
Refinery capacity (1,000 b/cd) | 1,781.0 |
Output of refined petroleum products (1,000 b/d) | 1,818.5 |
Oil demand (1,000 b/d) | 1,794.9 |
Crude oil exports (1,000 b/d) | 1,081.1 |
Exports of petroleum products (1,000 b/d) | 514.3 |
Natural gas exports (million cu.m.) | 8,541.0 |
- b/d (barrels per day)
- m. (cubic metres)
- b/cd (barrels per calendar day)